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Re: New York Yankees fans bristle about impending change to fabled pinstripe uniforms

March 14, 2023 07:48AM
everything is about the money & generating income - but does it mean lower prices for the fans? doubt it. Last year it was Amazon Prime, etc taking games away from YES now they mess were the iconic uni again - bad enough when MLB made the swoosh mandatory

  New York Yankees fans bristle about impending change to fabled pinstripe uniforms

Hitman23450March 13, 2023 09:02PM

  Re: New York Yankees fans bristle about impending change to fabled pinstripe uniforms

toga194March 14, 2023 07:48AM

  Re: New York Yankees fans bristle about impending change to fabled pinstripe uniforms

Hitman23197March 14, 2023 07:58AM

  Re: New York Yankees fans bristle about impending change to fabled pinstripe uniforms

toga186March 14, 2023 04:26PM

  Re: New York Yankees fans bristle about impending change to fabled pinstripe uniforms

Hitman23193March 14, 2023 07:24PM