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I’m getting tired of these guys that have a no-trade clause.

July 29, 2023 06:27PM
If I needed to trade a guy with a no-trade clause, I would bring him into the office and give him two choices. 1. You agree to let us trade you to someone that wants you, or 2. You accept the fact that you’re gonna sit the rest of your career on the bench til you retire. Take it or leave it. If a guy's a true athlete, he’ll waive the clause. If he’s a useless lump, he won’t!

  I’m getting tired of these guys that have a no-trade clause.

PRYanksFan134July 29, 2023 06:27PM

  Re: I’m getting tired of these guys that have a no-trade clause.

Hitman23123July 29, 2023 07:10PM

  Re: I’m getting tired of these guys that have a no-trade clause.

toga74July 29, 2023 07:13PM